Experience Tour… a voyage of discovery and innovation

At Excelia Communication School, we are convinced that the best way to learn is through experience.

Every year, our students embark on the Experience Tour, a stimulating adventure combining visits and encounters with industry professionals. This tour allows you to enrich your theoretical knowledge with unforgettable practical experience. It’s not just an academic outing, it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the exciting realities of the world of communication and digital design.


Learning beyond the classroom

The Experience Tour is designed to give you a 360° learning experience! By exploring different organisations in various cities, you’ll discover a variety of environments, meet industry professionals and take part in highly formative cultural activities. Each visit is carefully planned to match the learning objectives of our programmes.

They are an opportunity…

  • to understand the scenographic aspects of digital imagery
  • to explore the creative process and broaden your knowledge base
  • to learn about the different practices in the communication and design professions
  • to explore new business networks in the New Aquitaine and Centre-Val de Loire regions


Inspiring and rewarding experiences

The visits encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and to develop essential practical skills. Whether exploring exhibitions such as the Bassin des Lumières or taking part in inspiring talks at the Cité de la BD, every moment is a unique opportunity for learning and personal development.

The Cité de la BD is much more than just a museum… it’s a cultural crossroads where history, art and innovation meet! Through its exhibitions, you’ll discover the depth and diversity of the world of comics, from its origins to contemporary creations. You’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a variety of worlds, where each exhibition reveals unique aspects of the relationship between image and narrative.

Both permanent and temporary exhibitions explore how comics reflect and influence society. You can follow stylistic and technical developments, while discovering the works of the grand masters alongside those of some up-and-coming young talent. The captivating scenography, original artwork, and iconic illustrations will give you an immersive visual and intellectual experience.

A visit to the Cité de la BD also offers you the chance to interact with industry professionals. You can take part in lectures and workshops led by artists, scriptwriters, and publishers. This will enrich your understanding of creative professions and enable you to forge valuable links for your future career.

The Cité de la BD explores a wide range of themes, including the impact of comics on popular culture, the representation of gender and identity, and the socio-political dimension of comics. You will be encouraged to think critically about these subjects and develop a more holistic and sophisticated vision of comics as a means of expression and communication.

Be prepared for an experience that will transform both your academic and professional career path!


Valuable feedback

Following each visit, students are required to submit a creative report, combining text and visual illustrations, such as photos or drawings.

The objective of this exercise is for you…

  • to work off campus
  • to organise and assess the information gathered during the visits
  • to develop the ability to analyse and present information in a business-like manner

This process of reflection and synthesis is essential to fully grasp the different status of images and texts, whether personal or professional.


Assessment and impact

This initiative is assessed to ensure that there is genuine reciprocal feedback. Your feedback will be marked for relevance and originality, as well as for visual and textual quality. These assignments will not only boost your employability but will also enable you to develop an in-depth understanding of the challenges you’ll be facing in your future career.

Joining Excelia Communication School and participating in the Experience Tour means embarking on a dynamic and stimulating educational adventure. Each visit and each encounter is an opportunity for you to evolve into the communication and digital talents of tomorrow!

Get ready for a unique experience that will take your future career to new heights!