MSc in Digital Marketing and Collaborative Strategy... top quality, top label!

Excelia has one of the first four Master Year 2 programmes in France to receive the Label Digital Marketing School (LDMS), a certification awarded by a panel of judges made up of the three leading professional associations in the field of Digital Marketing.


The LDMS is the result of a combined effort by the sector's main professional associations - the Collectif pour les Acteurs du Marketing Digital, the Data & Marketing Association France, and the communications arm of Alliance Digitale - who have all joined forces for the common good of the profession.

For the Business School, obtaining this Label last September was the result of a year of discussions and follow-up between the LDMS and Imed Ben Nasr, Head of the MSc in Digital Marketing and Collaborative Strategy. The audit focussed on 42 key competencies in Digital Marketing, Data Marketing and Digital Communications as identified by the Label, which were compared with the course syllabus. It was also necessary to provide proof of the expertise of the lecturers in relation to the skills being taught.

The Label therefore certifies that the MSc in Digital Marketing and Collaborative Strategy complies with industry standards and recommendations. These aim to promote the employability of students and young graduates by ensuring that their study programme reflects developments in today's digital marketing professions and the real needs of companies.

The programme can now capitalise on the Label, particularly through the organisation of lectures and operational seminars (GDPR-data protection, e-commerce, etc.). Students themselves will benefit from preferential access to internship, work-study or job opportunities offered by the 500 member companies of the professional associations behind the Label. This represents no less than 220,000 jobs! "This Label is part of a long-term project ensuring closer proximity to the corporate world", emphasises Imed Ben Nasr. The latest challenge is to obtain the Label for the MSc in Digital Marketing on the Tours and Orleans campuses next year!

Find out more about the MSc in Digital Marketing and Collaborative Strategy