Excelia Digital Studio Expo

DNA Focus Design

As part of the visual culture lessons of the Bachelor in Web Design & Graphic Communication (programme has since changed name), Year 3 students organised a get-together for professionals and students focussing on all aspects of design... graphic design, web design, photography, print. 
For the 2020 edition, the invited guests hosted 2 presentations, 2 workshops and 1 exhibition. The name of the event reflects the very essence of design, as well as the desire to bring together professionals and students in order to provide a forum for discussion and the sharing of ideas on the various aspects of design.

Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)
Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)
Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)
Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)
Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)
Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)
Year 3 Students'
Year 3 Students Bachelor in Digital Communication & Strategy (Visual Design specialisation)